July 2014
Fish Report & Photo Archive
Steady Action Today
by Indy Crew, 7-01-2014
Good evening fellow anglers well we started today picking at some yellowfin and a handful of yellowtail under kelp patties. And dolphin schools it was slow but steady action through out the whole day the last pattie was of course the best. We will be making a move tonight for hopefully some more good steady fishing great bait great weather and best of all what a great group to fish with talk tomorrow, Paul and the Indy Crew
Great Value!!!
by Indy Crew, 7-02-2014
trip #11, a six day adventure in the prime of the season, book one full fare adult and bring a son or daughter ages 12 -17 for half price, a savings of $1,175 dollars. Only 2 spots remain for this great value...We are always looking to get more kids out fishing and with the high cost of long range fishing this is the perfect Chance to bring you're child out for the trip of a lifetime. Please call Judy now for details, space is limited on this special, What a great Graduation Gift!! New Reso only
ETA Fri 7/4/2014
by Indy Crew, 7-03-2014
The Independence will arrive at Point Loma Sportfishing at 7am.
Steady Action Today
by Indy Crew, 7-03-2014
Wow wow what a day we had it all started at 6:00 AM we went through four rotations before 6:30the yellowfin were biting the feathers really good and we also mixed in a few large Patties for good quantities of yellowtail throughout the day. The action on that tuna continued throughout the day to the end our last jig strike was a four way to end a beautiful day. We will be back at the dock at 7:00 AM thanks for checking in with us and have a happy Fourth of July that Indy Crew
Final Report on 4 day
by Indy Crew, 7-04-2014
Well folks are four day trip jackpot winners goes as follow 1st place goes to Jonna Plante she caught a 28 lb yellowtail, 2nd place goes to Eric Edwards with a 27.8 lb yellowtail and 3rd goes to Randy Narramore thanks again and I hope I will see everybody again in the near future the independence crew
Starter kit today..........
by Indy Crew, 7-06-2014
We hope everyone had a great 4th. We are out on a 5 day trip and today was our 1st day of fishing and we had a good sampling of yellowtail to show for the effort. Everyone got to yank and pull on fish. We are going to try this again tomorrow. Good weather also. Sea ya then, Jeff
More yellows in the sun.....
by Indy Crew, 7-07-2014
Hello again from the independence. Today we had action from sun up to sun down on good grade yellowtail. The yo yo guys did well with salas 6x and the rest were on mackerel, a few for the surface pluggers. Again everyone was yanking today and enjoying the great weather. We plan on enjoying Michele's man cut pork chops tonight along with cherry pie ala mode. We are going to target these beauties again tomorrow, so wish us luck, Jeff and the Indy crew
On our way up....
by Indy Crew, 7-08-2014
Nothing more to report from today as the yellowtail fishing was fun again, and everyone had chances and spent the day yanking and pulling on yellows. The locals ate their share, and made things tough for everyone out there. We are going in search of tuna for tomorrow, so we will report at the end of the day again. Sea yaw then, Jeff and the Indy crew
E T A 0545.....
by Indy Crew, 7-10-2014
Fishing was tough today, as they just didn't want to bite that well. At 1600 hrs we threw in the towel, and we will be back tomorrow at 0545 , sea ya then.
by Indy Crew, 7-10-2014
We returned from our 5 day this morning and the jack pot winners are as follows, 1st place dirk Allen with a 29 lb. yellowtail, 2nd place Ben Hyter 28 lb. yellowtail, 3 rd place. Rick Millspaugh 26 lb. yellowtail. Thanks to everyone who made the trip this year. Sea you all next year. We cleared the point at 1100 hrs today on a 3 day trip, and by sun down we caught 46 yellowfin tuna and 6 bluefin tuna for our first afternoon. What a great way to start the trip! Here is Carson with his dad Allen with a nice tuna he caught this afternoon. We are going to try this again tomorrow, please wish us luck, Jeff
Good Fishing on 3-day
by Indy Crew, 7-11-2014
Good evening everyone from the Indy. We had another super fun day today with numerous schools we stopped on, some great visual, and some great action for everyone. Yellowfin, and bluefin tuna, and yellowtail were the main event today. Really good weather made it even better. We are going to keep at it again tomorrow, so tune in then, Jeff
by Indy Crew, 7-12-2014
Good evening everyone, here is what we know. Again today we saw schools of bluefin tuna, yellowfin tuna, but today they wanted to play a little bit. We caught some yellowfin in the morning and the bluefin bit well in the afternoon. Beautiful 30 to 40 lb. fish for the bluefin, and we tallied up 35 and some y f t and yellowtail and a dorado. The perfect way to end our 3 days out here. Everyone had chances this trip, and they are happy with the quality they caught. We will be in tomorrow at 0700. Sea ya all then, Jeff
Nice Bluefin
by Indy Crew, 7-13-2014
The Indy returned this morning with a great catch of bluefin tuna, yellowfin tuna, & yellowtail. Here are the jack pot Winners, 1st place Martin McDonald with a 34lb.bluefin tuna, 2nd place les kern 33 lb. bluefin tuna, 3 rd place Brian Kinsey 31 lb. bluefin tuna. Huge thanks to everyone who made the trip a huge success. They departed again today on a 6 day 10th anniversary trip, so wish them luck, the Indy crew
Back out to sea
by Indy Crew, 7-13-2014
Hello everyone today was our normal turn around day which went smooth as silk. We got a great load of Sardine and anchovy at the bait receivers and headed out to points south, that's when the day became anything but normal, at about 4 PM we started to see tuna, the first spot was 50 to 60 lb. fish up puddling on some sort of small bait, we stopped on them for no bite, then another good school for no response then another school and the ocean erupted with 30 to 40 pound bluefin and they bit until dinner time, I great way to start the trip to say the least. The weather has become flat grease so we are going camp out and try this again tomorrow. Wish us luck the Indy Crew; check our Facebook page for pictures during the trip.
by Indy Crew, 7-14-2014
Today we had perfect weather and good offshore fishing, we are headed down to try our hand at one of the long range hot spots. All is good on the Indy, have a great day
by Indy Crew, 7-15-2014
Today we had perfect weather and good offshore fishing, we are headed down to try our hand at one of the long range hot spots. All is good on the Indy, have a great day
Somewhat sluggish but good
by Indy Crew, 7-16-2014
Hello everyone, the last two days have been very different for us, we traveled down the coast offshore yesterday and found very little in the way of fish we wanted to keep, we did release some small yellowtail and tuna. Today we found ourselves in a very good yellowtail bite, the fish were all 18 to 25 pounds. jigs were the hot ticket on both the surface and yoyo iron, fly lined bait also did the trick. Our weather continues to be nice, just a bit breezy this afternoon. Thanks for checking in.
A Banner Day & ETA for 7/19/14
by Indy Crew, 7-18-2014
We again had a banner morning bite on premium size yellowtail 18- 28pounds, the best method was the iron, both surface and yoyo, the Salas and Tady did the trick with scrambled egg and dorado colors working good. Things slowed down mid morning so we worked our way north throughout the remainder of the day to put ourselves in position for the last day of fishing. So far we have had great weather and good fishing so wish us continued success on the last day. Have a great day everyone, wish you were here. The Indy guys FYI For tomorrow's trip, I will begin sign-in at 7am or before.. INDY is scheduled for a 6am or before arrival for 7/19..anyone going on tomorrows trip Please....don't forget your passports.
Fishing license update
by Indy Crew, 7-19-2014
Hello everyone on upcoming trips, we just returned from a great trip and I will post more on the trip later, if you are fishing with us on an upcoming trip please buy a California fishing license at you're local tackle shop if you do not already have one. You can also buy one at any of the landings in San Diego. We may be fishing U.S. waters due to the tremendous amount of nice bluefin Tuna in our waters. As of now they are not on the bite but that can change at any moment. The best buy is the yearly license and can be used for the entire year. Thanks, Your Captains
Baja Paddy Hoppers
by Bill Roecker, 7-20-2014
Baja paddy hoppers departed on Saturday with a great load of sardines and lots of eager fisherman aboard. Opting to check the lower zone for toothy game fish we set a course for points south. With good weather and a few stops on school grade tuna and a few dorado we look forward to the chance at some wahoo tomorrow. Please wish us luck, Jeff and the Indy crew
Baja Paddy Hoppers
by Indy Crew, 7-21-2014
Baja paddy hoppers departed on Saturday with a great load of sardines and lots of eager fisherman aboard. Opting to check the lower zone for toothy game fish we set a course for points south. With good weather and a few stops on school grade tuna and a few dorado we look forward to the chance at some wahoo tomorrow. Please wish us luck, Jeff and the Indy crew
Nice day today......
by Indy Crew, 7-21-2014
Today was a fun day on the Indy. The yellowtail bite was very good for 20 to 30 lb. fish, half caught on salas 6 x yo yo and then the sardines and surface plugs. The wahoo showed in the afternoon and we had a few bingos on them, good grade fish as well. Capt Jimmy's bombs were the hot ticket and marauders. We also found some big kelps that were vacant at present, but might be loaded in a few weeks or so. Throw in a couple of marlin we released and that was our day. Everyone got to pull and yank lots today with great weather for all. We hope there is more of this around for tomorrow. Sea ya then, Jeff and the Indy crew
by Indy Crew, 7-23-2014
Hello again from the independence. We opted to get out of the on coming weather that was predicted and spent the day behind the island fishing for calico's and halibut. We actually had a great day catching both all the while enjoying the hot sun. Included in the catch was a hand full of 18 to 30 lb. halibut out of the 13 we tagged. Bassing was off the hook for the bass guys as well. We are going to venture out to the off shore scene for the next few days, so we'll see what happens out there. Sea ya all then, Jeff and the Indy crew
As good as it gets
by Indy Crew, 7-24-2014
Today was excellent fishing for 25 to 30 lb. yellowtail. Full speed on jigs and bait till we got our fill sums it up. The wahoo pulled a no show, but the yellows put on a impressive show for all to enjoy. The weather is starting to freshen, so we will see what happens tomorrow. Thanks for checking in, Jeff and the Indy crew
ETA 7/26/14
by Indy Crew, 7-25-2014
Good Afternoon everyone, the Indy will arrive at Point Loma Sportfishing dock at 5:30am on 7/26...Any departing tomorrow, don't forget your passports..Bring them to my office for verification. Thanks
0530 e t a
by Indy Crew, 7-26-2014
The last few days out here have been very good to us. Great weather and fishing. We will be in tomorrow 0530, sea ya then, Jeff and the Indy crew
Finished with a BANG.......
by Indy Crew, 7-26-2014
After yesterday's stellar all day drifting for beautiful bluefin tuna we arrived back to San Diego and unloaded the catch this morning. Bruce Dodd won 1st place for his 49 lb. bluefin, and Will Smith won 2nd place for his 40 lb. bluefin, 3rd place went to Nelson Algaze for his 39 lb. bluefin tuna. Big thanks to everyone and Sherman Lim along with Okuma, Owner, Aftco, Cousins Tackle, Cal Sheets, Bloody Decks for their sponsorship. Sea ya all next year, Jeff and the Indy crew
Anxious to Fish!!!
by Indy Crew, 7-27-2014
Hello everyone, we are back out for 7 days of in the sun with. With a nice load of bait and good weather our hopes are high.
Off To A Good Start
by Indy Crew, 7-28-2014
Hello everyone, We have been enjoying absolutely beautiful weather the last two days, it's just been a little on the warm humid side. With hurricane Hurnan coming up the coast we opted to stay inside and fish for yellowtail to start the trip, we have had good fishing on very nice grade yellows in the 18 to 28 pound range with a few bigger and a few smaller. The surface iron was good as well as flylined sardine for the yellows. With the tropical storm well to the west we are going to try something offshore now and see what happens. The weather is still very good so wish luck!!!! The Indy crew